At the Amatsu Centre Abergavenny, we utilise Japanese Acupuncture Therapy for many patients who benefit from reductions in chronic pain and long-term ailments. Japanese acupuncture is a gentle therapy using the thinnest of all acupuncture needles, with the therapy being performed at the surface and barely penetrating the skin.
At the Amatsu clinic, the Japanese acupuncture service is provided in combination with our physical treatment. Performing both the needling and manual therapy enhances the positive effects of both treatments greater than the effects of being performed on their own.
Japanese acupuncture practitioners rely heavily on palpation of the body to determine where to insert thin needles.
Originating from ancient Japan’s many blind practitioners, this is done with very thin needles inserted via a guiding tube. Needling is painless and the therapy is very mild.
Not sure which treatment would be best for your condition?
Book an initial consultation with Stephan here, read more about our hands-on Amatsu therapy or continue reading about our traditional Japanese acupuncture.